The Easthope Family loves to have fun!

Friday, April 27, 2007

I Think We'll Keep This One Just the Way It Is

It's always nice having to get to the driver's seat through the passenger side door

Things to Keep in Mind:

First of all Jenn bought the car.....
Second the insurance company only gave us $2600 which can only mean one thing.....
Whoever guesses which car we bought first can have it for free (we'll stick to the bus thanks)
Plus we can't even pick the car up tomorrow because we have no way of getting there

Spencer bought a car?

Hey Spencer!!! Where is the picture of your new car, everyone wants to see it come on

Melvin's Wedding

Okay Okay here is some evidence that we did get married...

In other news, Spencer bought a car and is picking it up on Saturday he reports to work on Tuesday...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Easthope Family updates!

Hello All-- major things are occuring and they can not be found on the blog!!!
1. Spencer and Jennifer got in a car accident! I think we need to see some pictures!
2. Cooper gets an email address--- I think we all need to write!
3. Spencer gets a job!
4. Melvin got married-- or did he-- I haven't see any pictures. Sure he can put them on facebook but not on the blog!

I am sure there are more events that have taken place! Help keep the blog alive!!

Love, Melissa